Monday, December 9, 2019

Reflective Writing Gibbs Reflective Model

Question: Discuss about theReflective Writingfor Gibbs Reflective Model. Answer: Gibbs reflective model is a reflective model that is often followed by nurses to reflect their practices (Lagen, 2015). It usually helps in breaking one or more experiences in to a number of steps that helps a nurse to describe her experiences sequentially, reflect on the positive or negative experiences and thereby learn from these aspects. The first step is the description process. While working in the group for making the poster and also to provide care for patients with different cultural backgrounds, I have found a lot of things. I have experienced that there was a lack of collaborative approach that had affected the quality care that we could have provided. I also understood that I have a habit of conducting my own work without discussing or consulting with other which affected the poster making activity that was given to us. The second step is the feeling that I harbored at that time. I had no idea about how to treat culturally competent patients and was not being able to initiate my learning procedure. This was mainly because I was very conservative in my approach and was feeling that the other nurses would think me to be less capable if I go and ask for help. I had a feeling that if I am not being able to provide good knowledge and suggestions while special treatment requires for culturally competent people , I would be laughed over. My inferiority complex made me remain away from such approaches towards my colleagues. The third step is evaluation. While making the project I understood that I really lack a lot of knowledge about how a culturally different patient should be approached. But I was not being able to reveal it to the other members as it would have hurt my ego. This had a negative impact on my self confidence as I was not being able to develop my skills that are important for providing person centered care. However I was not ready to give up as a patients health would have been might utmost priority and therefore I should have kept aside my complexes and take part in active group activity The fourth step is analysis. I analyzed that sticking to ego will not help me to move further in my career. My most important aim would be to develop knowledge about how culturally competent patients should be handled. I understood that is extremely important for me to overcome my inhibitions and communicate with my fellow colleagues to prepare the poster for a collaborative approach. I understood that if I have to succeed well with proper development of knowledge and how to treat patients, I should work in cooperation with my friends. I understood very well that they will help me to overcome my gap in knowledge where I was shaky. They will also provide me with effective feedback that will help me to develop the skill of working in a team. The fourth step is conclusion. From this entire episode, I decided that I should overcome my insecurity because it will hold me back and will never help me to develop my skills about how to work in a group. I need to overcome my negative feelings and develop my skills in working in a collaborative practice. I would also like to develop my ability so that I can gather different knowledge about how to treat culturally competent patient with a good collaborative approach from all colleagues. This would enhance my knowledge and skills and help me work as a team. This would help in overcoming any challenges that one can face while culturally different people. My action plan would be to discuss my issues with my team members and gather effective feedback from them. I decided to develop a planning procedure about how each of the team members will help me in giving their point of views in treating culturally different patients and how I can develop my skill in poster making and treating patients. I will also approach them in order to participate in a coordinated collaborative practice and hence this action plans would help me overcome the issues. In this way, with the help of the Gibbs reflective model I was able to critically reflect myself and got the scope to develop my work. Reflection: Langen, T., Erne, S., Geiger, R., Rauer, B., Schweigler, T., Kuhnert, M., ... Schmiedmayer, J. (2015). Experimental observation of a generalized Gibbs ensemble.Science,348(6231), 207-211.

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